
Policy and Regulation

The countries of the UK are producing devolved plans for financial support to agriculture following the UK's departure from the European Union.  These plans are loosely based on the EU regulations, but are showing increasing divergence with time. 

Agroforestry Research


In the 1970s, research on agroforestry in the UK and Ireland occurred in a piecemeal manner.  Due to difficulties in applying conclusions from isolated experiments across the countries, it was decided to establish experimental sites to carry out research on silvopastoral agroforestry based on experiments with common protocols.  This was the Silvopastoral National Network Experiment.

Reports and Technical Guides


Reports on EURAF and FWF conferences from Farm Woodland Forum members who have obtained bursaries to attend them are available to read. 

Other reports, either by the Farm Woodland Forum or its members, on topics of relevance to farm woodlands are also available.

Practical information on agroforestry and farm woodlands for growers is accessible here.  Reports on visits to agroforestry sites as part of the Annual Meetings of the Farm Woodland Forum can be found under 'Meetings'. 

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