Annual Meeting 2018

The 2018 meeting was held from 10th - 11th July at the Allerton Project (Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust) at Loddington, Leicestershire.


Trees and Livestock

Note: many of the presentations are available to read at the bottom of this page

Introduction (Chris Stoate, GWCT Allerton Project)

Session 1  Trees and livestock (Chair: Jo Smith, Organic Research Centre)

Benefits of trees for animal welfare - a review (Lindsey Whinstance, Organic Research Centre)

Transitioning to agroforestry at farm scale: my experience and learnings over a decade transitioning a typical Irish farm holding towards AF (William Considine, Nicharee Farm)

The importance of historic pollards for livestock (Jill Butler, Woodland Trust)

Lessons learnt for livestock agroforestry in the AGFORWARD project (Paul Burgess, Cranfield University)

How do hedgerows influence soil organic carbon in livestock grazed pasture? (Hilary Ford, Bangor University)

Short introduction to updated NSA/WT booklet - Role of Trees in Sheep Farming (Nicola Smith, National Sheep Association)

Session 2  Agroforestry in research, practice and development (Chair: Paul Burgess, Cranfield University)

Utilising hedgerows for landscape scale carbon sequestration (Matthew Axe, Royal Agricultural University)

A coppiced hedge (Ross Dickenson, Racedown Farm)

Functional biodiversity (Tom Staton, University of Reading)

Creating diverse silvopastoral systems in Northern Ireland (Yan Debeire, AgroSup)

MultiLand (Tim Pagella, Bangor University)

After thirty years' UK agroforestry, are we barking up the wrong trees? (Ian Lane, Ian Lane Associates)

Session 3 Agroforestry in practice (Chair: Tim Pagella, Bangor University)

1) Does timber production have a role to play in agroforestry? (Eugene Curran, Forestry Service)

2) What is needed to support greater adoption of agroforestry by farmers and land managers?

UK Agroforestry Network (AFINET) opportunities and barriers (Sally Westaway, Organic Research Centre)

Overview of Woodland Trust funded agroforestry schemes (Helen Chesshire, Woodland Trust)

Session 4 Agroforestry in policy (Chair: Gerry Lawson, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)

EU update  (Gerry Lawson, CEH)

Adoption of agroforestry options in land use policy measures in Northern and Southern Ireland (Jim McAdam, AFBI, and Eugene Curran, Forest Service)

The agroforestry policy briefing (Sam Packer, Soil Association)




File Abstracts222.58 KB
Field Visit Reports: 
File Field Visit to the Allerton Project2.76 MB

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