Integrating Farming and Forestry
Wednesday 5th June - Thursday 6th June
Scottish Natural Heritage Battleby Conference Centre, Perthshire
Wednesday 5th June
Developments in the UK
Farm woodland development strategy for clean air and wider benefits (Bill Bealey, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
Forestry Grant Scheme success in Scotland (Douglas Wright, Scottish Forestry)
Developments within the AFINET project and improvements to Farm Woodland Forum website (Sally Westaway, Organic Research Centre, and David Pilbeam, University of Leeds)
Education and Research
Presentations from recipients of a Lynton Incoll bursary to attend the conference:
Tom Statton (University of Reading) Can integrating trees into arable land improve pest control, pollination and profitability?
Matt Jordon (Oxford University) Agroforestry for sustainable ruminant production
Rafael Pompa (University of Reading) Spatial-ecological analysis for agroforestry promotion
Land management and marine stewardship - a research opportunity (Moya Crawford, Kilburns Farming Company Ltd)
World-wide interest
Heartwood - an Australian perspective (Rowan Reid, Bambra Agroforestry)
Spanish Dehesa - What can we learn from it? (Kirsten Brewster, Scottish Natural Heritage)
A visitor from the South (João Palma, University of Lisbon)
On the farm
Agroforestry in a sustainable Agricultural Land Management Strategy (Jim McAdam, Queens University Belfast, and John Gilliland, Devenish Nutrition)
A potential silvopastoral demonstration site on lands at Dowth Estate Ireland (Jim McAdam, Queens University Belfast, John Gilliland, Devenish Nutrition, and David Dillton)
Making hedgerows pay their way (Jo Smith, Organic Research Centre)
Twenty years of woodland creation and environmental management at SRUC Kirkton (John Holland,SRUC)
Unlocking the potential for trees on the farm (Lyn White, Soil Association Scotland)
Permaculture Scotland perspective on agroforestry (Finn Weddle, Permaculture Association)
Nature conservation and agroforestry, a perspective from Scottish Natural Heritage (Kate Holl, Scottish Natural Heritage)
Thursday 6th June
Field visits to:
Parkhill Farm, Newburgh (hosted by Roger Howieson). A silvoarable scheme utilising fruit trees. The second visit will be to old established shelterbelts and future management for shelter and timber.
Kilburns Farm, Gauldry (hosted by Rachel Ives). A 20 ha mixed broadleaf woodland established 20 years ago. The woodlands are suffering from ash diebackso what are the options for converting the wood into a silvopastoral system?
Mike Strachan, Scottish Forestry ( and John Holland, SRUC (