Annual Meeting 2004


Trees and upland farming; past, present and future


23-25 June 2004


National School of Forestry, Cumbria Campus at Newton Rigg, University of Central Lancashire, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0AH.


The aim of the meeting was to provide an opportunity and arena for presentations, field visits and discussion on the theme of "Trees and upland farming; past, present and future".

Papers presented 2004 - PDF versions of abstracts and full papers are available to view as indicated:

  • Common Agricultural Policy reform; an opportunity for new relationships between trees and agriculture? - Alec Dauncey, Forestry Commission.
  • Cumbrian farm woodlands; status, priorities & constraints - Edward Mills, Cumbria Woodlands.
  • The policy environment for farm woodlands; a growing gap between grant support mechanisms? - Neville Elstone, Cumbria Woodlands.
  • New archaeological field evidence of cleared ancient woodlands in upland mid-Wales - Ritchie Tassell, Coed Cymru.
  • Historic wood pastures in cultural landscapes in Scotland - Peter Quelch, Forestry Commission.
  • Agroforestry policy in Europe - Gerry Lawson, Natural Environment Research Council.
  • Integration of trees into an upland farmed landscape in Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland - Jim McAdam, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ian Gibson, Farmer.
  • Establishment of a silvopastoral experiment in lowland Ireland with RPM Quercus and cattle - I.J. Short, J. McAdam, N. Culleton & G. Douglas, Teagasc/Queens University, Belfast.
  • Tree seedling production for agroforestry - growth and potential of the Root Production Method (RPM®) - Rodrigo Olave & Jim McAdam, Queen's University Belfast/Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland.
  • Diversity of Carabid communities in a land use mosaic in the Welsh uplands - Rebecca McHugh, Lorraine Gormley, Michelle Jones & Fergus L. Sinclair, University of Wales, Bangor.
  • Forest grazing in Bhutan; a case study of Haa East Forest Management Unit - Tom Dutson, University of Central Lancashire.
  • Woodland Grazing In The West Highlands. - R. Avery, G. Gray Stephens, J. Hall, R. Lilley, P. Quelch and L. Sumsion, Forestry Commission Scotland, Scottish Native Woods, Scottish Natural Heritage and Argyll Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group.

Posters presented

  • Planting Native Woodlands on Upland Farms, How High Can You Go? - J.P. Holland, A. Waterhouse, M.L. Pollock, M. Wohlbold and H. Lindsay, SAC Hill & Mountain Research Centre.
  • The Silvopastoral Agroforestry Toolbox. - Alan Sibbald, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen.

Field visits

Field visits were made, on a rainy day, to Borrowdale and St. John's-in-the-Vale. Two short visits to sites at Newton Rigg were also included.
To see photographs of the field visits, click on the picture.
Photo of pollards in Borrowdale and link to more photos

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